Business Strategy Consultancy

Business Development

  1. Product Development
  2. Market Development (Include Value Chain/Business Linkage)
  3. Review Current Business
  4. Setup Buinsess Objective

Organization Development

  1. Re-structuring Organization
  2. Create New Organization Structure
  3. Review Organization Function
  4. Propose New Function
organization development
Product, Channel & Marketing

Product, Channel & Marketing

  1. Product and Brand Positioning
  2. Channel Development Strategy
  3. Advertising and Promotion Strategy
  4. Conventional/Marketing Strategy
  5. Services

Business Process

  1. End to End Process and Business Process Reengineering
  2. Improvement Service Level Agreement (SLA)
  3. Policy & Standard Operating Procedures
Risk Management & Compliance

Risk Management & Compliance

  1. Corporate Risk Appetite
  2. Risk Mitigation
  3. Measurement and Compliance

Productivity Improvement

  1. Process Automation and Business Process Re-engeneering
  2. Loan Origination & Mobile Solution
  3. Productivity Measurement
Productivity Improvement

Digital Product Development

  1. Mobile Banking & Digital Payment Payment Product
  2. Digital Payment and E-Commerce Solution
  3. Electronic Transaction Banking for Commercial